At a time when pressures of life can seem all consuming - be that linked to family, health, relationships, work, finances or absolutely anything else - in this post-pandemic era...
Methinks that it's fair to say that physical wellness is intrinsically linked to emotional stability and good overall mental health. Indeed, you need that basis to start from surely? In Maslow's Hierchary of Needs triangle after the physiological needs such as air and food, safety needs including health, love and belonging needs of friendship et al. Sandwiched between the last need of self-actualisation - i.e. the desire to become the best that one can be - at the top of the triangle comes the need of esteem. Esteem is linked to respect, recognition, status, strength, freedom and self-esteem. A good sense of positive self esteem makes a marked contrast to instances of low self-esteem, with the former being required for the individual to realise their full potential and successfully strive towards Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.