1. One of the main factors at this time of year is seasonal affective disorder (SAD) which is prevalent amongst the general population. Hypnotherapy can assist with this through visualisation and supporting the individual to see sunny locations; minimising the greyness and gloominess of the mind linked to shorter days and temperature variations; promoting good health and wellbeing, boosting energy as the temperature drops.
2. Stress Management issues can be tackled through relaxation strategies and coping techniques in order to minimise and effectively deal with any stressors which may be caused by employment, family issues including education and the new school year, and preparations for holiday periods.
3. Motivational boost. When it's cold and dark and motivation levels can be fairly low. Through hypnotherapy, this can be raised and procrastination avoided.
4. Sleep routines can be improved and insomnia
avoided through hypnotherapy support packages
promoting good health and wellbeing.
5. Weight issues. Support for resisting in over eating
and indulging in comfort foods that are stodgier,
caloried and laden in bad-fats can be implemented.
6. Confidence and self-esteem boosting can be applied through hypnosis in order for the individual to realise the best possible version of themselves as another year draws to a close.